
[Ustinov] Comedy is tragedy gone awry, tragedy is comedy gone awry.
… And he was right.
L: The Comedy Collection is a good book, no doubt.
V [Clueless]: Thanks
L: I see a pattern in the type of books you borrow
V: Are you Neo? Can you see the Matrix?
L [missing the joke completely]: I have seen The Matrix, yeah. But don’t you think you ought to borrow some REAL books. Books of substance. Books such as, The Unbearable Lightness of Being or something by Murakami or Jose Saramago or Palahnuik.
V [Looking at the shelves]: I’ve read The Unbearable… Orhan Pamuk, Palahnuik. Everytime i step in i think i’ll probably borrow a Murakami this time. But a glance at the first chapter or the preface or sometimes even the blurb puts me off.
L: There’s so much about life that they’ve written about, a total shift in Perspective that these books bring about.
L: Think about what you are missing out by just dallying in the lighter side of things. You should explore.
V: I tried to read The Unbearable lightness of being and realised that the the book was more about sex than about life worse still it was about the sex-lives of only one person who turns out to be a self-confessed loser. Pamuk weaves a story to go with the kind of perspective that you are talking about and is atleast readable. Saramago writes prose so dense that you would have to bookmark by sentences than pages to catch up if you are ever putting the book down. And the surrealists are a different kind. I’d probably have to grow new feathers to belong to thier flock. Vonnegut is an exception probably because he atleast brings in an element of SF into his books. That’s the kind of perspective that suits me.
I didn’t borrow a Murakami that day nor do i intend to …

That is how i came to add Limericks to my page. In short they sum everything right about the kind of stuff i like: short, descriptive, has rules that are more broken than followed, philosophical (?) and irreverent  and mostly raunchy :).


There once was a man from Limerick
Though his verses made everyone sick
The townsfolk said, “Pray!
your verses continue may”
Else the others will  roll-us-a-rick

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